Title: The Whipping Boy
Author: Sid Fleischman
Characters: Jemmy, Prince Brat, Hold-you-nose-Billy, Cutwater, Hot Potato Man, Betsy, Petunia, The king, Ol' Johnny Tosher.
Setting: In the castle, in Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater's house, in the fairground, in the sewers.
Beggining: Jemmy a whipping boy gets whipped when Price Brat misbehaves. Prince Brat and Jemmy run away, but they get sold by Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater for ransom. But Jemmy is smart and made Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater think he was the prince, and he found a plan to get them out.
Middle: Jemmy and Prince Brat get caught by Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater, Prince Brat gets whipped. But Besty sent her dancing and tamed bear Petunia to scare Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater, so Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater run away.
End: Jemmy and Prince Brat went in a fairground. Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater find Jemmy and Prince Brat, so they run in the sewer. Good thing Ol' Johnny Tosher, Jemmy's rat catching friend lies to Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater and Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater run away with huge biting rats. Prince Brat promises to study and behave so that Jemmy will not be punished.
What I thing would be in the latest newspaper in Jemmy and Prince Brat's land:
Jemmy and Prince Horace get sold to the king for ransom! But they manage to stay alive, though they were with Hold-you-nose-Billy and Cutwater! But the most shocking news is that Prince Horace promises to study and behave!?!
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